The Fam

The Fam

Vivian Grey

Vivian Grey

Easton Mason

Easton Mason

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


According to recent sonograms I'm not having twins but according to average Joe's on the street I am.  That's right, I pulled up to the CarSpa on Sunday to have my car cleaned and vacuumed before Spencer installs the baby car seat.  A man walks over to my car and I open the door to get out and before I could tell him what I wanted done to the car his eyes widened and he said, "Wow, you having twins?"  Two thoughts ran through my head at that moment, 1) Have I become so big that I'm not aware of how large and in charge I am and 2)I'm going to sucker punch this ass wipe.  I then realized that this ass clown was only 5 foot nothing and his eyes were completely level with my belly.  I'm sure to him and to most small children I do look huge. To deal with this overwhelming sadness of my ever enlarging belly I drove to Wendy's and ordered a number 6 with a Frosty.  I felt much better after that.

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